Demonstrative pronoun
Ada 7 jenis demonstrative pronoun yaitu : this, that (singular), these, those (plural), the former, the later and such.
Contoh :
This is my book ( singular )
These are my books ( plural )
That is a blackboard ( singular )
Those are blacboard ( plural )
Shakespeare and Gothe are great poets.
The former is an Englishman, the later is a German
Such is the state, of man.
Relative Pronoun
Ada 8 jenis relative pronoun yaitu : who (subjective), whom (objective), whose (possessive), which, that, what dan kadang-kadang as dan but. Mereka mempunya bentuk yang sama untuk singuar dan plural.
Who, whom dan whose digunakan untuk menerangkan orang.
Misal :
The man who is standing there is my teacher. (subject )
The man whom Pety is talking with is my father. (objeck)
Shakesperae is writer whose plays are andmirable . (pemilik )
Contoh :
The current, which is very rapid, makes the river dangerous.
My dog, which was lost, has been found.
My brother that is in Paris has sent me a letter.
This is the house that Jack Built.
Interrogative pronoun
Ada 4 interrogative pronoun yaitu: who, whose, which dan what.
Contoh :
Who is the man at the window ?
Whose is that dictionary ?
Which of these novels have you read ?
What did he talk about ?
Distributive pronoun
Ada 3 distributive pronoun yaitu : each, either dan neither. Each artinya masing-masing secara individual. Either artinya satu atau yang lain dari kedua benda atau orang yang ada. Neither artinya tak satupun dari kedua benda atau orang yang ada.
Contoh :
There are selected students. Each received the award from the headmaster.
I have two books, either would suit you well
I have two friends, but neither is kind to me.
Indefinite pronoun
Indefinite pronoun yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris adalah : all, some, any, one, they dan some, no, any dan every yang diikuti oleh one, body dan thing.
Contoh :
There are many people in the yard. All are wearning hats. Some are man and some are women.
Did you meet many people? No, I did not meet any
One cannot be sure what is the best thing to do.
No one can cure his sickness.
Something has gone wrong.
Emphasizing pronoun.
Emphasizing pronoun sama dengan reflexive pronoun hanya berbeda dalam fungsi.
Contoh :
He saved himself ( reflexive pronoun )
Ho himself wrote the letter ( emphasizing pronoun )
Ada 7 jenis demonstrative pronoun yaitu : this, that (singular), these, those (plural), the former, the later and such.
Contoh :
This is my book ( singular )
These are my books ( plural )
That is a blackboard ( singular )
Those are blacboard ( plural )
Shakespeare and Gothe are great poets.
The former is an Englishman, the later is a German
Such is the state, of man.
Relative Pronoun
Ada 8 jenis relative pronoun yaitu : who (subjective), whom (objective), whose (possessive), which, that, what dan kadang-kadang as dan but. Mereka mempunya bentuk yang sama untuk singuar dan plural.
Who, whom dan whose digunakan untuk menerangkan orang.
Misal :
The man who is standing there is my teacher. (subject )
The man whom Pety is talking with is my father. (objeck)
Shakesperae is writer whose plays are andmirable . (pemilik )
Contoh :
The current, which is very rapid, makes the river dangerous.
My dog, which was lost, has been found.
My brother that is in Paris has sent me a letter.
This is the house that Jack Built.
Interrogative pronoun
Ada 4 interrogative pronoun yaitu: who, whose, which dan what.
Contoh :
Who is the man at the window ?
Whose is that dictionary ?
Which of these novels have you read ?
What did he talk about ?
Distributive pronoun
Ada 3 distributive pronoun yaitu : each, either dan neither. Each artinya masing-masing secara individual. Either artinya satu atau yang lain dari kedua benda atau orang yang ada. Neither artinya tak satupun dari kedua benda atau orang yang ada.
Contoh :
There are selected students. Each received the award from the headmaster.
I have two books, either would suit you well
I have two friends, but neither is kind to me.
Indefinite pronoun
Indefinite pronoun yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris adalah : all, some, any, one, they dan some, no, any dan every yang diikuti oleh one, body dan thing.
Contoh :
There are many people in the yard. All are wearning hats. Some are man and some are women.
Did you meet many people? No, I did not meet any
One cannot be sure what is the best thing to do.
No one can cure his sickness.
Something has gone wrong.
Emphasizing pronoun.
Emphasizing pronoun sama dengan reflexive pronoun hanya berbeda dalam fungsi.
Contoh :
He saved himself ( reflexive pronoun )
Ho himself wrote the letter ( emphasizing pronoun )
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