Selasa, 07 Juli 2015

Questions dan Contohnya

Question dibedakan menjadi :
1. Simple question ( yes/no question )
2. Information question ( question word question )
Simple question ( yes/no question )
Simple question ialah pertanyaan yang :
a. Diawali dengan modal auxiliaries
b. Mengharapkan jawaban ‘yes’ atau ‘no’
Contoh :
Can you start the engine ?
Yes, I can
No, I can’t

Information question atau question words questions.
Information question ialah pertanyaan yang :
a. Diawali question words
b. Mengharapkan informasi sebagai jawaban.
Conroh :
What is your name ?
My name is Raja Jempol.

Daftar question words :
What digunakan untuk menanykan benda
Whisch digunakan untuk menanyakan pilihan.
Who digunakan untuk menanykan orang sebagai subjek atau obyek.
Whom digunakan untuk menanyakan orang sebagai obyek ( cara lama )
Whose digunakan untuk menanyakan orang sebagai pemilik.
Where digunakan untuk menanyakan tempat atau tujuan.
When digunakan untuk menanyakan waktu.
Why digunakan untuk menanyakan alasan.
How much .........digunakan untuk menanyakan harga.
How many .........digunakan untuk menanyakan jumlah.
How many times..... digunakan untuk menanyakan frekwensi.
How far ..........digunakan untuk menanyakan jarak.
How long ........digunakan untuk menanyakan lamanya waktu.
How are you.....digunakan untuk menanyakan keadaan kesehatan.
How old ........digunakan untuk menanyakan umur.
How do/does/did........digunakan untuk menanyakan cara.

Cara membuat Information Questios.
1. Information question tentang orang
Sebagi subyek : who langsung mengganti kedudukan he
He bought a motor-cycle for me - Who bought a motor-cycle for me ?

Sebagai obyek : menambahkan who/whom
He bought a motor-cycle for me. - who did he buy a motor-cycle for ?
Did he buy a motor-cycle for me. - Whom did he buy a motor-cycle for ?

2. Information question tentang benda
Sebagai subyek : what langsung menggantikan kedudukan kata benda
English will help you understand many things. - What will help you understand many things ?

Sebagai obyek : menambahkan what + does didepan subyek
Mr. Tamba teaches Japanese in Saraswati. – What does Mr. Tamba teach in Saraswati ?

Sebagai perbuatan : menambahkan doing (what)
She is typing a letter in the living room. – What is she doing in the living room ?

3. Information question tentang pilihan.
The red one is my book. – Which is your book ?
The red one is my book. – Which one is your book ?

4. Information question tentang tempat.
He repaired his car in Gunawan Motor last mont.
Did he repair his car in Gunawan Motor last month ?
--- (where) -----
Where did he repair his car last month ?
Information Question tentang tempat sebagai tujuan :
The students went to Bali last month.
Did the students go to Bali last month ?
Where did the students go last month ?

Information question tentang tempat sebagai tempat asal :
I come from Lebanon.
Do you come from Lebanon ?
Where do you come from ?

5. Information question tentang waktu
He reapired his car in Gunawan Motor last month.
Did he repair his car in Gunawan Motor last month ?
When did he repair his car in Gunawan Motor ?

6. Information question tentang pemilik
I meet her mother this morning.
Did you meet her mother this morning ?
--------(whose) mother---------
Whose mother did you meet this morning ?

7. Information question tentang alasan atau sebab
He is sad because his mother has just died.
Is he sad because his mother has just died ?
Why is he sad ?

8. Information question tentang harga
I bought the house Rp. 250.000.000
Did you buy the house Rp. 250.000.000 ?
------(how much)--------
How much did you buy the house ?

Information question tentang jumlah:
He has sent three books to his sister.
Has he sent three books to his sister ?
--------------(how many) books ---------
How many times does he sent to his sister ?

Information question tentang frekwensi :
He eats three times a day.
Does he eat three times a day ?
-----(how many) times ------
How many times does he eat a day ?

Information question tentang jarak :
It is about 400 kms from Banyuwangi to Surabaya.
Is it about 400 kms from Banyuwangi to Surabaya ?
-------(how far)-------
How far is it from Banyuwangi to Surabaya ?

Information question tentang lamanya waktu :
it takes you 8 hours by bus.
Does it take me 8 hours by bus ?
-------(how long)---------
How long does it take me by bus ?

Information question tentang keadaan kesehatan :
I am very well.
Are you very well ?
How are you ?

Information question tentang umur/usia :
She is 19 years old.
Is she 19 years old ?
----------(how) old-------
How old is she ?

Information question tentang cara :
She goes to school by motor-cycle.
Does she go to school by motor-cycle ?
How does she go to school ?

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