Jumat, 03 Juli 2015

Personal pronoun dan Contohnya

Macam-macam pronoun (kata ganti) dan contohnya dapat dilihat dibawah ini.
jenis pronoun
1. Personal pronoun
Dalam person ini dibagi menjadi 3 lengkapnya adalah, Firts person (orang pertama) artinya orang yang berbicara. Second person (orang kedua) artinya orang yang diajak bicara. Third person (orang ketiga) artinya orang yang dibicarakan. Masing-masing ada yang tunggal (singular) ada pula yang plural (jamak)

Singular :
Firts Person : I (subjective), My, mine (possessive), me (objective), Myself (reflextive)
Second Person : You (subjective), Your, Yours (possessive), you (objective), Yourself (reflextive)
Third Person : He, She, It (subjective), His, Her, Its, His, Hers, Its (possessive), Him, Her, It (objective), Itself (reflextive)

Plural :
Firts Person : we (subjective),our, ours (possessive), us (objective), Ourselves (reflextive)
Second Person : You (subjective), Your, Yours (possessive), you (objective), Yourselves (reflextive)
Third Person : They (subjective), Their, Theirs (possessive), Them (objective), Themselves(reflextive)

Keterangan :
Subjective artinya person sebagai subjek
Possessive artinya persoon sebagi pemilik
Objective artinya person sebagi obyek
Reflexive artinya person sebagai pelaku perbuatan tanpa disertai orang lain.

I = saya, aku
You = engkau, kamu, saudara, tuan
He = dia (laki-laki )
She = dia, ia ( perempuan )
It = dia, ia ( benda )
We = kami, kita
You (P1) = kamu, saudara semua
They = mereka

Contoh singular :
Subjective :
I have a dictionary
He has a nice picture
We have an excellent teacher

Possessive adjective :
My dictionary is good
His picture is nice
Our teacher is excellent

Possessive pronoun :
The good dictionary is mine
The nice picture is his
The excellent teacher is ours

Catatan :
1. Bentuk possessive adjective maupun possessive pronoun tidak berubah menurut jumlah benda yang diterangkan.
Contoh :
The boy has lost his book
The boy has lost his books

2. Bentuk possessive pronou ‘it’s ‘ tidak pernah dipakai
Contoh :
I have a cat. Catty is its name (umum)
Catty is its name. The name is its (tidak lazim)

Pada artikel berikutnya akan bahas demonstrative pronoun, relative pronoun, interrogative pronoun, distributive pronoun, indefinite pronoun, emphasizing pronoun beserta contohnya.

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